Fire Risk Assessment
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order came into force on the 1st April 2006. All existing fire legislation was repealed including the Fire Precautions Act 1971, Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997/99 and Management of Health & Safety in the Workplace Regulations 1999.
It is important to understand that fire risk assessment is not the same as a fire certificate. Every business owner and employer must be able to demonstrate the following:
- All fire risks have been assessed and the results recorded with written fire risk assessment.
- Records to show that fire fighting equipment has been provided, properly maintained and regularly inspected.
- An Emergency Action Plan has been written, confirmed and published.
- Staff have received fire training in the use of equipment & procedures in the event of fire.
- There are adequate means of fire detection, warning systems and escape routes in place to allow people to leave the building safely.
- Action plans have been formulated and signed off to indicate proposed completion dates and actual completion dates.
DW Health and Safety will visit your premises and will provide you with comprehensive fire risk assessments at competitive rates. Crucially we won’t just advise you, we’ll do them for you.
All client and risk assessment documentation is available through our secure intranet site.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.