Construction Regulations
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) place duties on all those who can contribute to the health and safety of a construction project. The Regulations place duties upon clients, designers, contractors and CDM Advisors, and require the production of certain documents – the health and safety plan and the health and safety file.
DW Health and Safety Ltd have particular strengths in
- Design and Build Projects
- Development of Brown Field Sites
- Airport Refurbishments
- Fast track retail Roll-Out Programmes
Carrying out this role on sites as diverse as The Dome and major Airports for licensed, retail, casinos, restaurants, hotels, DIY, pharmaceutical and leisure sectors as well as for Health and Education.
We carry out the duty of CDM Advisors/Project Co-Ordinators within the Construction (Design Management) Regulation.
Specialising in New Build, Roll-Out Programmes and Individual Refurbishments for all retail sectors, Education, Health Sector including Thwaites, Genting Casinos, Halfords Ltd and The Restaurant Group.
Our secure intranet site allows clients to follow a project from conception through to completion and beyond.
Health and Safety files are compiled by us and can be issued in hard copy, on CD and through our secure extranet site. This provides a standardised format for clients.
For further information on CDM Regulations please click here.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.